Thursday, August 23, 2012

Bobble me this, Bobble me that

The Indian head bobble is famous. It has confused foreigners for centuries. Instead of a nod, an Indian will bobble his or her head from side to side in agreement with varying degrees of enthusiasm depending on their personality, social status, and always the situation. Probably the amount of head bobbling their mothers did in the home plays an important role as well because this head bobble is rather contagious.
When Star was 4 she picked it up rather quickly and then lost it again when we return back to the US. Flip followed her big sister and was a faithful head bobbler, although I can see it fading already. But if I bobble at her, she quickly bobbles back. I, on the other hand, chose to employ the head bobble. It just made life easier when talking with auto drivers, cooks, cleaners, assistant teachers in the girls' school, etc. Also secretly, I enjoyed practicing while friends were talking to see just how little movement I could do and still produce a quality head bobble. I thought I was in control of the head bobble, but apparently not.
Yesterday, while setting up our classroom with my new co-teacher she suggested an arrangement of furniture. I agreed it looked nice and she gave me the most peculiar look and responded, "What? You don't like that?" For a moment I was confused. I had said yes.  I had agreed. And then I realized I had head bobbled her.

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